Protecting Yourself Against Drunk Drivers: Five Precautions That Could Save Your Life

You can't stop everyone who has been drinking from getting into a car and driving on the road. However, there are some things that you can do to protect yourself against drunk drivers. Below are five precautions to take while you are driving that may just end up saving your life.

1. Avoid the roads at night if you are tired. This may seem impossible, but on a Friday or Saturday night when there are going to be drunk drivers on the road, you don't want to be too tired to drive. Fatigued drivers are very susceptible to getting into accidents on their own and if you are very tired, you may not be able to think quickly and avoid a drunk driver if necessary.

2. Keep more than a safe distance between yourself and any car that shows even minimal signs of the driver being intoxicated. If a driver is swerving, has their face close to the windshield, is driving very fast or very slow, braking erratically, or showing any related behavior, you should stay as far away from their vehicle as possible.

3. Safety comes first. Always wear your seat belt no matter where you are and make sure that the car you are driving has working airbags. Even if you are only a few streets over from your house, a drunk driver may back out of a driveway and crash into you. The force of one car hitting another car, even at slow speeds, should not be underestimated.

4. Always be prepared to take quick action on the road, especially at night and on the weekends. If a car looks to be coming right at you, pull over to the right and start honking your horn. If you are busy doing something else, you may not have time to pull over and get out of the way. This may sound obvious, but you never know when you are going to freeze in a tense situation. Having in your mind the idea of quickly pulling to the right and beeping your horn may be what helps you take action and get out of the way.

5. Once again, this precaution is most important to do at late hours of the night when there are the most drunk drivers on the road. Whenever you are stopped at a light and the light turns green, look before you immediately go. A common cause of drunk driving accidents occur when a drunk driver speeds up and runs a red light and then crashes into an innocent driver who just went because they had a green light.

If you need help with a DUI case, consider finding a lawyer that covers DUI San Diego or search for law firm services in your area. 

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